no !i input's working methods and graphics systems are in a constant state of flux. As new technologies are developed or discovered, they are adapted to the collective's needs.



In the studio, no !i input uses a combination of the following resources:


Dell, HP and Apple laptops.*
Athlon Desktops
Matrox, NVidia and ATI Graphics cards
Edirol V4 Video Mixer*
Numark Dvd Decks*
Numark AVM01 a/v Mixer*
Korg Kaoss Pad
Korg KPC1 MIDI Controller*
Wacom Graphics Tablets
E-Mu Launchpad MIDI Controller*
Behringer B-Controll MIDI Controller*
XL1s Cameras*


Adobe Creative Suite
Maxon's Cinema 4D
Arkaos VJ*
Pilgrim Pro 3D*
Pro Tools
Flash MX
VVVV Multipurpose Toolkit*

*Also used for live performances

Please note, this is not an endorsement list, simply the gear used by no !i input

.Working methods::\.

NO !i INPUT's working methods are as morphic as the systems used.

Currently, the required graphics and patches are discussed either in person or online, then prepared by each member in isolation. Once these initial ideas are developed, their interaction is planned in real-time and the results are analysed and deployed for presentation.

As a collective, NO !i INPUT is designed to function as a single system of interchangeable elements. During live shows, present members will contribute to a collective visual display or present information in isolation as required by the event.